
HatHoodieLong SleeveTrack PantsT-Shirt
Youth S$25$50$30$35$28
Youth M$25$50$30$35$28
Youth L$25$50$30$35$28
Youth XL$25$50$30$35$28
Adult S$25$50$30$35$28
Adult M$25$50$30$35$28
Adult L$25$50$30$35$28
Adult XL$25$50$30$35$28
Adult 2XL$25$55$35$40$33
Adult 3XL$25$57$37$42$35
Adult 4XL$25N/A$39$44N/A
Prices Include Tax

To place an order simply send us an email with the list of items and sizes along with your name and phone number. Payment must be submitted in order for your order to be fulfilled. E-Transfers can be sent to

Please note that players registered for the regular season will receive a hat as part of their uniform (U11 and up only)

U11 + Hat

Youth Hat

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