2024/2025 Off-Season Practice and Development

Monday – Reminder of make up date Apr 7

Wednesday – Reminder of make up dates Feb 5 and Feb 19

Thursday – Reminder of make up dates Feb 6 and Feb 20

Our Off Season Practice and Development Program…

Our Off Season Practice and Development Program is geared towards all different skill levels for players who want to learn the game, keep in the swing of things during the off season, and develop their skills to the next level. This is an 18 session program spread out from September to March and is done indoors. Session 1 is the introduction where everyone in the group gets to know each other, learn the expectations and content of the program, get to know our regular session warm-up, and practice some fielding. Session 2-17 will vary depending on what we are working on, but will include our team warm-up and activities geared towards throwing, catching, pitching, hitting, running, fielding. Session 18 is our ending celebration where we will pick a baseball related movie to watch with all groups on that night and will run from 6:30pm-8:30pm for the movie along with popcorn and drinks provided

Parents and Players: Welcome to the 2024/2025 Off Season Practice and Development Program!!! Below you will see a file for each night, please click on your players night to see their time slot.


Jarid (Program Facilitator/Coach) and Jordan (Coach)

Coaches Helpers:

Monday’s: Jude and Cooper

Wednesday: Raph

Thursday: Kalen and Scarlet

Dates are below on the advertisement, however they are subject to change if for example the school requires their gym for a special event, then we unfortunately get bumped out. If we have to cancel a night for any reason on our end, then we will make it up by adding an extra date. Please note that we usually get at least a weeks notice for schedule changes, so unless it’s a last minute emergency cancellation, then you should know ahead of time.

Please ensure that your player is ready to go when practice starts as there are back-to-back-to-back classes each night and we want to keep things going (shoes on, equipment ready, etc). Due to classes running in this fashion, please have your player wait outside the gym until they are called in and they should gather their belongings and exit after class, so the next class can start.

At the top where it says ***Announcements*** is where we will communicate anything you need to know prior to your practice i.e. anything special you have to bring, if there is a cancelation, etc, so it is important to check out the page before coming to practice.

Please enter the building on the south side middle doors and you walk straight in and continue straight through the doors beside the library and just past that the gym is on the left

If anyone has any questions, please feel free to text, email, or call anytime

Thank you and we look forward to a great Off Season




    Player Information

    What season are you registering for?

    Previous Baseball Experience

    Pitching Experience

    Catching Experience

    Other Baseball

    Are you currently playing ball in another league?

    Contact Information

    Primary Contact

    Secondary Contact

    Other Information

    Please provide important information about the registrant, e.g., medication, behavioural needs, etc.

    Coach / Assistant Coach

    We're always in need of coaches and helping hands for special events. Please select the level of assistance you would like to offer.


    We're always looking for new sponsorships. If you have or know a business that might be interested in sponsoring Belleville Baseball Amateur Association, kindly provide the business name and phone number. ($50 off registration for bringing us a new sponsor)

    Additional Information

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